Entering a formula

To enter a formula click inside the empty box or click on the round button beside the word "formula". Next select wether you want to enter the formula in the form of numbers or notes. Type your formula in the box and click on "display". If you are entering a formula in the form of numbers or notes the formula must contain at least one comma even if you are only entering one note!


Entering as Numbers or Notes

You can enter a formula in two ways; you can enter it in the form of numbers or as the exact notes you wish to display. To change the way you want to enter just click on the round button beside the method you wish to use.


Formula for Numbers

The formula must be entered in the form x,x,x where x is a number representing the degree of the scale you which to represent (up to a maximum of 13). Therefore to show a major chord, type in 1,3,5 i.e. the first, third and fifth notes of the scale. It is also possible to flatten or sharpen a note, just put a "b" or a "#" before the number. i.e. to show a minor chord you should enter 1,b3,5 for a 7#5 you can enter 1,3,b7,#5 You can also enter a scale in the box. i.e for a melodic minor scale enter 1,2,b3,4,5,6,7,8 When you are happy with the formula you have entered click on "display". The note the chord or scale starts on is denoted by the selection in the box titled Root:


Formula for Notes

The formula must be entered in the form X1,X2,X3 where x is a letter from A to G. The letters MUST BE IN CAPITALS. If you look at the piano keyboard you will notice that every note is on the piano keyboard three times. e.g. Their are three C notes. You can decide which A,B,C ... to show by putting a 1,2 or 3 after it. For example to show a C chord that has the E before the rest of the notes type in C2,E1,G2 if you like you can also add a second C: C2,E1,G2,C3. It is also possible to show a sharp or flat note, just put # or b immmediately after the note you want to flatten/Sharpen. I.E. For a C minor enter: C2,Eb2,G2 or for a D major enter D2,F#2,A2. It is not absolutely neccessary to add the number but it helps.

Formula for Scales

The formula must be entered in the form xxxxxx where x representents the steps(in semitones) of the scale. For example a major scale is 2212221 i.e. 2 whole steps, a half step, three whole steps and another halfstep.You can also put a number before a step to denote a larger step than normal. For example 3223 gives a pentatonic minor scale i.e. a 1 and a half step, 2 whole steps and another 1 and a half step. The largest number you can use is 9 and you are allowed to enter up to 12 steps in total. You can chage the note the scale starts on by selecting the note in box titled Root:.

